The activation of South-west corner of your bedroom with real crystals,ensures great harmony and happiness in relationships with loved ones.As the South-west corner of the house is connected to love,romance and relationships. This area has the earth element.The best way to energise this area is with the use of two genuine quartz crystals.........
If this is done in the livingroom,relationships within the whole fqamily get enhanced..
Before placing it anywhere,remember to purify crystal ball.They should be kept in salt water for atleast one week ,so that all negativity atached to it can be removed......
The real quartz crystalballs are really bvery effectivebecause they can be programmed with thought form.The procedure is as follow
1. Emmerse each crystal ball,in a glass of water with four spoon of salt for a week
2. Then take out and wash in flowing tap water
3. Keep it in ceramic saucer,out,inearly morning sunlight for three hours.
4. During this time practise forming picture in your mind,that your family is
together and smiling
4. Then place it according to the direction and place mentioned above.
If you want your to get married in happy family,imagine apcture in your mindthat marrioage is already taking place and she is happy...Once you are able to visualise,lift the crystal from the sunlight and place it onyour left palm and cover withright palm..close your eyes and again visualise the same picture into your mind and let it stay for few seconds.......your crystal is now programmed. Hang it in south west corner of your house...or in daughter's room if this is the case...
Crystal reaaly works and is effective if prop[erly programmed
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