Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Remove Non-Functional Clocks, Watches and Appliances

Remove all non-functional clocks and wathes from your house. Please get rid of them at the earliest as they are quite harmful.

People do have sentimental values for these things. But if you really want to keep such things please get them repaired and serviced and keep them in functioning conditions.

No Calenders Over, or on Any Doors

Never hang calendars on the back or front of any doors or doorways, because hanging calendar or clocks over doores or above them, especially above the main door is bad for longevity of the inmates, as it is symbolic of telling you how many days are left in your life!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Globe in North East for Education and Knowlwdge

The placement of a globe, depicting the whole planet Earth, is also a good enhancer of education and knowledge, if kept in the north-east corner of your house, because the element of this area is the earth.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Metal Vase with White Flowers in North

The north area of your house corresponds to your Career and Opportunities.

Enhance this area with the placement of a metal vase preferably, wrought iron or steel vase, with artificial white white coloured flowers.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Yellow Flowers in Cream Colour Ceremic Vase

This is an easy way to enhance relationships amongest the members of the house.

Keep a Cream Coloured Flower Vase and keep Artificial Yellow Coloured Flowers in it, in the south-west corner of the house; this is the area of relationships and keeping this type of coloured flowers here, acts in enhancing relationships. The colours yellow and cream symbolise the earth element.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

No Aquariums in Bedrooms

Never keep a water feature i.e. an aquarium or a small fish bowl or a acene of waterfall or sea beach, etc. This effects the relationship between the married couples badly, hance it is to be essentially avoided. If you happen to have any such water feature or water picture in your bedroom, please get rid of it immediatly.

Some times, the career area (north) falls in a bedroom and in such a case, it should be enhanced by metal objects and not a water feature. Metal objects enhance the water element of the north.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Money Luck Three Legged Frog

The three-legged frog is considered very lucky. It usually has one or three coins in its mouth. The position of the three-legged frog with a coin in its mouth is very important. It is to be placed anywhere near your main door on the inside ant it should look inwards, as if it has just entered your house with the money.

Do not ever place three-legged frog with the coin facing or looking at your main door, as this symbolises money going out of the house!

Never place three-legged frogs inside the kitchens and toilets as this is to invite bad luck.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Money Luck with Chinese Coins

The use of Chinese Coins to activate money luck is very effective. You can take three Chinese Coins and tie them with red thread. You can keep this in your purse or wallet. It symbolisis a continuous source of income for an individual. You can use three coins, rather than for or five, since the number three itself is very auspicious.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Fuk, Luk and Sau

You will find statues of these three Chinese Gods in all Chinese homes. Fuk, Luk and Sau are Gods of wealth, high rank and longevity respectively. The statues of these three Gods are rarely worshipped. Their presence is merely symbolic. Their presence in the house is considered to be very lucky.

Fuk is the God of Wealth, and is taller than the other two Gods. He is generally placed in the centre.

Luk is the God of hihg rank and authority. Sau is the God of longevity. He has a round head which is almost bald.

Fuk, Luk and Sau together represent the three most important types of good fortunes.

They are displayed together, and their presence is said to ensure wealth, authority, respect, long life and good health.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Avoid Sleeping on Two Seperate Mattresses on Double Bed

A double bed with two seperate mattresses on it, is very bad because sleeping on double bed with two seperate mattresses can lead to seperation.

Always have a double bed with single piece mattress.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Water at the Door

A water feature at the door is considered a very lucky. It is especially useful for north facing, east facing and south-east facing doors. The water must be carefully kept, only on one side of the door and that also to the left side only, i.e. to the left, when you are standing inside the house and looking outside as shoiwn in the feagure below.

This feature, if used properly is considered very lucky and gives lot of benefits. It can be kept in the form of Fish Tank or even a picture of blue waterwith dolphins jumping upwards, playfully can do the trick.

Always remember, not to keep the water feature at the right side of the door, as this can cause side-effect. It can cause the man of the house to develop a roving eye or even the entry os a third person in your marriage. Also remember not to keep the water on both sides of the door because this resembles tears in the two eyes.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Colours can Bring Luck

Energize your house with the use of colours as per the chart below. Paint your roomms according to the element of the area or the element that produces it.

Be careful to avoid the colours that go against (destroy) the element of the area. For example, avaoid blue or balck colour in south side room. Avoid green colour in the north-east room.

NORTH EASTEarthYellow, BeigeRed, OrangeGreen
NORTHWaterBlue, BlackWhite, SilverYellow, Beige
NORTH-WESTMetalWhite, SilverYellow, BeigeRed, Orange
WESTMetalWhite, GreyYellow, BeigeRed, Orange
SOUTH-WESTEarthYellow, BeigeRed, OrangeGreen
SOUTHFireRed, OrangeGreenBlue, Black
SOUTH-EASTWoodsLight GreenBlue, BlackWhite, Silver
EASTWoodGreenBlue, BlackWhite, Silver
CENTREEarthYellow, BeigeRed, OrangeGreen

Monday, April 21, 2008

Couples without a Baby

A baby, is like a lamp of bright light, in your life. It is indeed very sad, that many couples are childless, despite apparently no problem with either spouse. To my mind, it is the effect of the fast paced modern city life and pollution, especially in a city like Mumbai. The stress and the effects of air pollution, etc., probablyreduces the heat of womb, and fertilisation is more difficult. Feng Shui offers ways and means to enhance chances of conception. Each person has a lucky direction (personalised), which is his nien yen direction. Method to enhance chances of conception, include allocating a room in the nien yen location for the husband, and sleeping with his head in his nien yen direction.

Very often, couples unable to concieve are hit by poison arrows of some kind in their bedroom, or at thier main door. Check your main door and see if their is any obustrction outsid it, or a poison arrow, hitting it. In an apartment, the main door may have a poison arrow of a sharp column or a wall edge pointing at the main door. Sleeping below the beam, or having column edge pointing towards you in the bedroom, is also a poison arrow. Protect yourself from all such poison arrows to enhance your chance of conception. Play soft romantic music while sleeping especially when trying for a child and be relaxed.