A baby, is like a lamp of bright light, in your life. It is indeed very sad, that many couples are childless, despite apparently no problem with either spouse. To my mind, it is the effect of the fast paced modern city life and pollution, especially in a city like Mumbai. The stress and the effects of air pollution, etc., probablyreduces the heat of womb, and fertilisation is more difficult. Feng Shui offers ways and means to enhance chances of conception. Each person has a lucky direction (personalised), which is his nien yen direction. Method to enhance chances of conception, include allocating a room in the nien yen location for the husband, and sleeping with his head in his nien yen direction.
Very often, couples unable to concieve are hit by poison arrows of some kind in their bedroom, or at thier main door. Check your main door and see if their is any obustrction outsid it, or a poison arrow, hitting it. In an apartment, the main door may have a poison arrow of a sharp column or a wall edge pointing at the main door. Sleeping below the beam, or having column edge pointing towards you in the bedroom, is also a poison arrow. Protect yourself from all such poison arrows to enhance your chance of conception. Play soft romantic music while sleeping especially when trying for a child and be relaxed.
|Yeah, looks like sometimes that may be a tragedy for all of those poor papers!