Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Top Floor Should be avoided

If you are buying top floor flat,check beforehand that water tank should not overhead your chosen flat....if it is so don't purchase that flat.
If it is located somewhereelse you may buy it.....
Reason to avoid such type of flat iswater at height is considered to be dangerous in Feng Shui....
supposing your bedroom is under it then it is risky.....
so make changes if it is so...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Metal Turtle in the North

Place a metal model of turtle in a small bowl of water and keep it in the north zone of your home....
The turtle is a good enhancer of longevity and also,in the north, it is an enhancer for career opportunities....
You should just keep the model metal turtle alone,without the water bowl, if you happen to have a bedroom in the north zone of your house,since keeping water in a bedroom is not aot advisable.........
Keeping an actual/real turtle/terrapin, in a small vessel of water, in this area is an even better enhancer,but the metal turtle works well too.......

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

No calenders over or on the doors

Do not hang any calenders on the back or front of any doors because hanging calender over doors or above them,especially above the main door is bad for longevity of the inmates............
hanging calender is symbolic of telling how many days are left in your life!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Phoenix for success

The Phoenix is one of the celestial animals of feng shui and chinese mythology. It symbolises the luck of wish fulfilment.The phoenix is very effective in activating the south corner...

For good luck and to energise the luck,look for symbols,paintings or pictures of phoenix..........affix those onthe south corner of your office.....
The Phoenix image at a distance on the south also syymbolises farsightedness,which is essential for any businessman..