Saturday, November 29, 2008

Metal Vase with White Flowers in North

The north area of your house corresponds to your Career and Opportunities.

Enhance this area with the placement of a metal vase preferably, wrought iron or steel vase, with artificial white white coloured flowers.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Yellow Flowers in Cream Colour Ceremic Vase

This is an easy way to enhance relationships amongest the members of the house.

Keep a Cream Coloured Flower Vase and keep Artificial Yellow Coloured Flowers in it, in the south-west corner of the house; this is the area of relationships and keeping this type of coloured flowers here, acts in enhancing relationships. The colours yellow and cream symbolise the earth element.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

No Aquariums in Bedrooms

Never keep a water feature i.e. an aquarium or a small fish bowl or a acene of waterfall or sea beach, etc. This effects the relationship between the married couples badly, hance it is to be essentially avoided. If you happen to have any such water feature or water picture in your bedroom, please get rid of it immediatly.

Some times, the career area (north) falls in a bedroom and in such a case, it should be enhanced by metal objects and not a water feature. Metal objects enhance the water element of the north.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Money Luck Three Legged Frog

The three-legged frog is considered very lucky. It usually has one or three coins in its mouth. The position of the three-legged frog with a coin in its mouth is very important. It is to be placed anywhere near your main door on the inside ant it should look inwards, as if it has just entered your house with the money.

Do not ever place three-legged frog with the coin facing or looking at your main door, as this symbolises money going out of the house!

Never place three-legged frogs inside the kitchens and toilets as this is to invite bad luck.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Money Luck with Chinese Coins

The use of Chinese Coins to activate money luck is very effective. You can take three Chinese Coins and tie them with red thread. You can keep this in your purse or wallet. It symbolisis a continuous source of income for an individual. You can use three coins, rather than for or five, since the number three itself is very auspicious.